Natural remedies for that pesky cough.
A cough is a symptom and for chronic coughing it needs to be further evaluated to suss out the cause, GERD, Asthma, Allergies, Food Sensitivities… can all be contributors that require further assessment from a trained medical professional. This article will be geared toward an acute or new onset cough, usually associated with a cold or flu.
Coughing can be therapeutic, really it’s a protective function that our bodies do quite naturally when trying to eliminate a foreign substance or excess mucus from the lungs and upper airways. So before you reach for the cough syrup consider giving your body a chance to work it out. Drinking more water/tea is a great starting point because this thins the mucous so that the gunk with pathogens can make it’s way up and out much easier. I like to think of those phlegm balls as a neatly packaged export system of the nasties including bacteria and viruses that aren’t serving me well. Yay, up and out, well done body!
Reasons to avoid OTC cough syrups ~
Did you know that over the counter cough medicines are laden with NASTY ingredients in them? Things like artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners including high fructose corn syrup are enough to detour a savvy shopper but the list goes on from there. On top of that there is literally, no good evidence to support that they actually help or speed the recovery process. Instead of loading yourself or your children up with questionable ingredients that have been associated with things like cancer, autism, diabetes… why not try a more natural approach to quell that cough.
Better Natural Alternatives~
1) Honey and ginger mixed with hot water and fresh squeezed lemon juice -For kids 2 years and older and adults this had been tried and true reliever of coughing which naturally improves sleep to expedite healing time. Both Honey and Ginger are also expectorants meaning they help thin and loosen mucous from your airways.
2) Marshmallow and Slippery Elm root/leaves- Contains mucilage which soothes the throat and creates a protective barrier
3) Peppermint steam- Place 5-10 drops peppermint essential oil in large bot bring to a rolling boil and drape your head over pot with a towel to lock in the steam and breath in the vapors deeply to open the airways
4) Neti pot- sinuses can harbor bacteria and viruses that drain into the throat so keeping those clean and clear is good preventatively as well as for an acute situation.
5) Gargle with warm water, sea salt (1-2 T per 8 oz) and for an extra kick add 4-5 drops Tea Tree essential oil- the salt helps draw water out of the tissues and simultaneously creates a barrier so bacteria and viruses can’t get in. Tea tree is a known antimicrobial that aides with inflammation and killing pathogens.
Cleaning up our medicine cabinet to include these herbs and essential oils can be a good first line defense for those coughs, colds and flu’s that we tend to experience more of in the winter months.
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Tran BB, Ditto AM. Cough: A Practical and Multifaceted Approach to Diagnosis and Management. Med Clin North Am. 2020 Jan;104(1):45-59. doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2019.08.011. Epub 2019 Oct 28. PMID: 31757237.
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