Good health begins with finding balance. Here are some fun ways Amber keeps it interesting and sustainable.

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What to do with all the end of season beans?!? It can feel overwhelming with a large harvest. Three bean salad or some derivative and blanching and freezing are 2 great options.
Extending the gift of cucumber goodness- Bread and Butter Pickles- Recipe Attached

Gathering wood for the season. I have so many fond memories of doing this as a kid with the whole family, including grandparents. Grateful for my husband's chain saw skills. It's hard work, don't forget the picnic lunch ;-)))

Wood pile is growing ;-)
Ahhhhhh, yes.... cozy bliss.

For those of you that know me, you know how long my fingers are and that my friends is a HUGE green pepper. Really happy with our first garden at the new house in Dillon.
Food Rx Dillon Project is now in Full Swing!

Biggest Morel I've ever found!
Making mouths happy. Thank you Garden!

Morel hunting gets dirty but hey, that's all part of the adventure!
Soap Making Fun- Recipe attached
One of my favorite ways to reset is camping.
While my husband is truly the skilled fisherman in the family, I have fun. As for local fish, Walleye and Pike are my favorite to eat but trout's good too.
This is what 5 lbs of Shitake mushrooms looks like. I highly recommend Northwest Wild Foods-Link Attached

Horses have been a part of my life in some form since I was 7 years old. My heart burst open in delight when this herd just randomly galloped over to me to say hi. Totally made my day!!
Hiking. What's not to love, it's a free choose your own adventure that releases stress, builds muscle and stamina all while enjoying the wild world around you.

My husband snapped this shot on a particular stressful day for me. It was a lovely reminder to open to seeing the grace and ease, it's always there, even in the hard times.

Garlic Harvest
My container gardens produced a surprisingly BIG bounty. I tried these Garden Patch grow boxes and was impressed by the volume, health of plants and convenience of a self watering container. Link Attached
Lotion making! It's so easy and your skin will thank you. There are many good resources out there but a book I have found useful for making organic skin care is, Organic Body Care Recipes: 175 Homemade Herbal Formulas for Glowing Skin & a Vibrant Self by Stephanie L. Tourles